Mysteries of the Grand Canyon; Parent - Teacher - Child Reviews
What do children say?
From students at Hope Christian Academy.
"I can learn a bunch from it!” - Ella
“The author has a very creative mind!” - Keara
“Very adventurous!” - Ruby
“I like it how you can tell how Kristi Kay feels.” - Madelyn
“I like how the paw prints let you do things.” - Corbin
“The pictures were so real and awesome!” - Ellie
“This is the coolest book ever!” - Caleb
By Creative Gemini. Outstanding Book!
Kristi Kay Discovers the Mysteries of the Grand Canyon is a great way to learn about all of the natural wonders of the Grand Canyon. The book has amazing pictures, and is a great way to get excited about such a unique place! I like how you can explore extra details about some topics with interactive links right in the story.
Kristi Kay is a cute puppy who shares stories about the history of the canyon and the animals that live in the canyon, and how they came to be there. She has a unique view because she is a animal, too.
As an 12 year old avid reader, I would recommend this book to all ages. The pictures are fantastic for all readers, especially younger children, and the book has plenty of information for more mature readers.This book is a perfect mix of facts, imagination, and fun!
By Panch0Villa, Beautiful Book, Amazing Photography, Cute Puppy, Educational
What more could you ask for? As a native Arizonan teaching my kids about the rich culture of our state is important. Our state has been influenced by so many different cultures and each has left a unique mark. This book focuses on the Grand Canyon and shares the amazing adventures of this little pup. My youngest daughter (5) loved it for the puppy of course. My son (11) loved it for the Native American history. My oldest daughter (14) loved the photography.
Beautiful book.
What do teachers say?
by Angie. G. Teacher, Hope Christian Academy
As a teacher, I am grateful to use this amazing book in my class! My students loved learning about the Grand Canyon from precious Kristi Kay’s point of view, and they were exited to participate in the interactive aspects of the book; they did not want to put it down! I appreciate how it complements the Arizona objectives of our curriculum and will certainly use the Discovery series in my classes for years to come! Thanks Marie von Minden for authoring a book that is engaging, educational, and so much fun!
By Mary Lane. Wonderful Interactive Book,
This is a charming and educational book which gives a lot of interesting facts about the Grand Canyon, while captivating young readers. Kristi Kay is a cute dog with an inquisitive personality who visits the Grand Canyon with her owner, Marie. Kristi meets several local animal residents, such as a condor, and a squirrel, who teach her a lot about themselves and the magical place where they live. This interactive book would be appropriate for a classroom full of young learners, or for a family with young children who want to discover the wonderful national parks we have in our country. I used to be an educator and I would have been delighted to have books of this quality available for my students.
What do parents say?
by Chocco 11. Beautiful book to cherish and enjoy
Beautifully done exciting adventure into the wonders and beauty of the Grand Canyon! We love looking at the pictures, clicking on the paws for extras and listening to the added audio. My son and I love this book. The layout is very nicely done making the experience something special. The cute dog guide is kid friendly and teaches them about this gorgeous location, words they may not be familiar with and animals they might otherwise know nothing about. The size might be a bit off putting to some but it's well worth the download. Even my older kids found a spot to view this book as we enjoyed reading it.
by: Cindy B. Exceptional Photography and Writing
This delightful, interactive, informational book will not disappoint. The impressive photography, vibrant graphics and incredible wildlife will entertain not only children, but their parents as well. Follow Kristi Kay’s photographic adventures as she explores the majestic Grand Canyon with her friends Alex, the California Condor, and Gerri, the Abert’s Squirrel. The book is a must for families visiting and learning about the Grand Canyon and its inhabitants. As a National Park’s and Junior Ranger enthusiast, I am anticipating reading the author’s next book on Yellowstone.
This Children’s Book is Grand! by: Ellen G.
The photography in this book is just spectacular. The links and enhanced futures make it fun to explore the various aspects of the Grand Canyon; the animals, anthropology and more. Kristi Kay is an enduring dog that leads children along on her adventures with Gerri, an Abert’s squirrel and Alex, a California condor. Hopefully they help children to value why we need to protect such beautiful places as the Grand Canyon and endangered animals like the condor. The links and enhanced futures will help children who want to learn even more!